1. Review NHQ-CAP Spaatz Exam Request Process.
2. Review NY Wing Spaatz Exam Request Procedures [May 2021].
3. If a Cadet Physical Fitness Test [CPFT] waiver is required, review NY Wing Spaatz Exam CPFT Waiver Request Procedures [May 2021].
Helpful information regarding CPFT waivers:
4. Spaatz exam requests require endorsement by every echelon of command, from Squadron CC to final approval by the Wing CC, before a proctor is assigned and the exam is administered. NY Wing requires at least 30-days advance notice for standard requests and 45-60 days notice for all waiver requests.
5. Cadets will utilize the NY Wing Spaatz Exam Request Memo to make the exam request. This PDF fillable form works in Firefox, Chrome, Edge, MacOS Safari, and iOS Books app on iPhone & iPad.
6. All Spaatz exam requests must flow from:
Squadron CC → Group CC → Wing Director of Cadet Programs [DCP]
Once vetted, DCP will forward the request to Wing CC for approval. Wing CC will not approve any
request that has not been approved through chain-of-command, and subsequently vetted by DCP.
7. Questions regarding any of the above should be directed to NY Wing DCP.