Join CAP on missions for New York and America

Read about our history and values below

80 years of service and commitment to our homeland.

Since World War II, Civil Air Patrol has been performing missions of importance for our nation and our communities.

Put your knowledge, skills, and abilities to work during our next 80 years.  Join CAP today!

Air Force symbol

Integrity. Service before self. Excellence in all we do.

Our core values derive from our parent service, the United States Air Force.

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National service.

CAP members serve in times of national need, after hurricanes, floods, and other disasters.

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Local impact.

Members assist state and local government and law enforcement agencies.

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Eyes on the future.

Our cadet program instills values of service and discipline, shaping future leaders for America.

Your opportunity to serve

U.S. citizens and lawfully admitted permanent residents age 18+ may join and train for emergency services roles as aircrew, ground team members, and mission base specialists. Youth 12-17 may join our cadet program, learn valuable lessons about service and leadership, and serve on ground teams and at mission bases.

Join CAP today