Important Information

First Round of CEAP has ended. If you did not received financial aid, there is a second round that will open June 15th and close on July 1st. Link to National CAP (outside .gov)

DEADLINE for completed Encampment Applications - 24 May 2024
A note about the Selection Process

What to Expect as a First Timer?


Expect to be very busy. You will be up early (before 0600) and you will be physically active most of the day. You will sleep soundly at night. You will most likely be more active than you typically are at home and school. You can ease the transition by getting into better physical condition before you arrive - do some running, practice some pushups.

Expect to be in uniforms for most of the time. That is part of the fun. Make sure you have all the necessary insignia and that it is in the right place. Have a more experienced member of your squadron do an inspection before you leave for the encampment.

Most of the time you will be wearing ABU's and boots. Make sure your boots have been broken in. Wear them as much as you can before the encampment. Blisters are the single most frequent medical issue -- it's not much fun walking around with hurting feet.

How to Use This Website

Go to the appropriate tab and check the HOW TO APPLY for a full description of all requirements. Your initial application needs to be entered in eServices (Registration Zone). Once it has been processed by New York Wing, you will be able to access the status of your application using the APPLICATION STATUS Link at the top of this page. (This will be updated weekly.) Check frequently using the APPLICATION STATUS option at the top of this page to verify that all requirements have been met.