Other Information for Parents |
Things you can do to help | |
![]() Since they will probably be more active than at home, if they have ever had allergies requiring the use of an inhaler or medications, these items should be brought to the encampment, even if they have not been necessary in the immediate past. The major medical problem at the encampment is blisters. Make sure that their boots fit and that they have 'broken them in' prior to arriving at the encampment. Make sure that they bring everything they need (especially bedding) and that everything is labeled with their name. This is the current Equipment List. Make sure that they don't bring anything that is forbidden (i.e., gameboys, CD players, cell phones, food, etc.) or illegal (i.e., alcohol, drugs, tobacco products). The full list of contraband items will be included in the Information Booklet available in June. Forbidden items will be confiscated at in-processing and returned at the end of the encampment. It is better to not bring them in the first place. Any cadet found to have illegal items will be dismissed from the encampment. The encampment is designed to teach participants how to succeed in the Civil Air Patrol. Because of our relationship with the Air Force there is a high priority placed on correct uniform appearance. A key part of that focus is grooming standards, especially hair cuts for males. Make sure that your cadet is in compliance - the encampment interprets these guidelines very strictly. More Information regarding haircuts. A cadet with a non-standard haircut will not be allowed to remain at the encampment. |
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Homesickness | |
![]() Many cadets who are away from home for the first time experience homesickness while at the encampment. There is a period of adjustment that is natural when transitioning from summer vacation to a rigorous training schedule. Experience has shown that if cadets receive encouragement and give the encampment a chance for at least three days, most will end up enjoying themselves and even returning the next year. If a cadet is having difficulty with homesickness, the cadet has many people at the encampment to turn to, including the cadet staff members, the senior member TAC Officers, the chaplain staff, the health services staff, and the senior executive staff. It is our hope that all cadets will remain at the encampment, complete the week's training, and graduate. If it becomes apparent that a cadet is having a great deal of difficulty with homesickness, a decision for the cadet to return home may be made after consultation with the cadet, the cadet's parents or guardians, and the senior member staff. If a decision is made for a cadet to leave the encampment, it is the responsibility of the parents or guardians to pick the cadet up from the encampment. |
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Communication at the Encampment | |
![]() If your cadet doesn't write home, it's because the days are packed with activities, our encampment location has no mailbox ( inbound or outbound), and the cadet will probably arrive home before a letter does. We purposely do not let cadets telephone to help them develop self-sufficiency. In the event of any serious problem, we will contact you promptly. Should you have an emergency, the Encampment Information Booklet available in June or the CONTACTS information on this website, contains emergency contact information. |
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Supervision | |
![]() ![]() The ultimate responsibility for the cadets and the week's events rests on the Encampment Commander. |
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Housing | |
![]() Cadets sleep in tents by gender with one Cadet Staff and one Senior Staff member (approximately 14 in a tent). Cadets at the encampment are free to approach any of these staff with any issue at any time. |
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High Elements Course | |
![]() A challenge course is a set of structures that provide a setting for physical challenges designed to increase participants' self-confidence and physical coordination, to increase group cooperation, and to be fun. A High Elements Course offered by Syracuse University is part of the encampment curriculum. The course elements are higher than 6 feet off the ground and all participants wear helmets and a safety rope and harness. We have offered this course for two years and cadets really like it. If for whatever reason you do not want your teenager to participate in this activity, you must request an Accommodation prior to the acceptance deadline date. See the last section on this page. |
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Medications | |
Per CAP policy, each encampment participant is responsible for administering his or her own prescription medication. Cadets can bring medications (both prescription and over-the-counter) but if the cadet is younger than 18, we need a release signed by a parent or guardian. In addition all medications must be in original containers with dosing instructions and labeled with the cadet's name. Prescription containers must contain the name of the prescribing physician, name of dispensing pharmacy, recipient name and any instructions for dosage. Cadets will retain possession of non-controlled medications.If a cadet is bringing medication that is classified as a Level II Controlled Substance (for example, Vicodin, Demerol, OxyContin, Dexedrine, Adderall, Ritalin), these medications will be held by Health Services to ensure appropriate distribution as indicated by the ordering provider. The quantity of the medication should not be more than is needed for the length of the encampment. On the Application Form for the encampment you can designate whether you will permit over-the-counter medications not brought to the encampment by your cadet to be dispensed as needed by the encampment staff. Civil Air Patrol has recently issued a new regulation (CAPR 160-1 Handling of Cadet Medications). This regulation is in effect for all cadets under age 18. |
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Food | |
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Request for Accommodation | |
Please read all sections of this web page carefully. If you are concerned that your cadet needs something that is beyond what is normally provided, or that they cannot perform some activity that is expected, you can Request an Accomodation. This must be received prior to the deadline for acceptance and a determination will be made by the encampment staff if we are able to provide this accomodation. (Request for Accommodation Form) | |
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