Our training plans for this year are as follows:
Staff Selection Workshop InformationDate: 05 Apr 2025Start Time: 1000 End Time: 1400 Uniform: Blues IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR CADET STAFF APPLICANTS: It is assumed that you will be attending this workshop. If you cannot, you MUST contact the Encampment Deputy Commander for Support to arrange an individual zoom session. If you do not attend, and are not excused, your application will be withdrawn from consideration for a staff position. The Senior and Cadet Command staff will meet after this workshop to assign Cadet Staff Positions. Everyone will be personally contacted within the week following the workshop as to their status. Since there are 80+ applicants for 52 staff positions, some cadets will not be selected for staff. If not selected, cadets will be given the option to be considered for an Advanced Training Flight. Decisions regarding acceptance to this flight will be made soon after the staff deadline. |
Full Staff MeetingsDates: 1st Meeting - End of April or Beginning of May, 2nd Meeting - In July before encampment Location: Zoom Virtual Meeting Start Time: 1900 hrs Uniform: casual civilian attire/CAP golf shirt Audience: All Staff members The first FULL staff meeting will be held in the Spring. All staff are expected to attend. In addition to general information regarding the encampment, break out sessions will be held by department/squadron so that there is an opportunity to meet other members of the staff. The schedule for further small group training will be announced as well.
The Required Staff Training will be offered at The second FULL STAFF MEETING.
This is required for all staff.
Small Group TrainingDates: Various Sunday Evenings Location: Zoom Virtual Meeting Start Time: 1900 hrs Uniform: casual civilian attire/CAP golf shirt Audience: Various Squadron Commanders will develop a training schedule for their subordinate units. The Deputy Commander for Support (Cadet and Senior) will
develop a training schedule for each department for the executive staff. A zoom session will be established each Sunday evening after the first
full staff meeting with appropriate
breakout rooms. Other training may be scheduled as needed.
Flight Staff WorkshopDate: 01 Jan 0001 (One Day Only)Location:Hancock ANG Base, Syracuse Start Time: 0800 hrs End Time: 1700 hrs Uniform: ABU Paperwork: CAPF 60-80 - submit to the Registrar or hand-carry to the workshop Cost: Breakfast and Lunch will be provided at no cost Audience: Flight & Squadron Commanders and Sergeants, TAC Officers Overnight Accommodations: Discounted motel cost if coming to Syracuse on Friday Night (Contact Maj Sieburg)
Pre-Encampment Onsite TrainingDates: 18 Jul 2025 Location: Hancock ANGB, Syracuse, NY Start Time: 1300 hrs Uniform: Arrival on Friday afternoon in civilian, Saturday and Sunday ABU All staff are expected to arrive Friday afternoon/evening. (Please do not arrive before 1300 hrs - lunch will not be available.) No formal training will occur on Friday, individuals coming in the afternoon will be expected to help set up the facilities. On Saturday and Sunday morning in-person training will be scheduled. This is critical - especially for the flight staff. The executive staff will finalize their department setup and begin functioning. CADET STAFF: It is extremely critical that certain staff be at this on-site training. If you are applying to another activity that may prevent you from participating at this training, let us know during the selection process. This will not preclude your possibly serving on staff, but it may affect what position you are given. As a matter of integrity, each staff member needs to be up front with any anticipated or possible event that may prevent them from fulfilling their staff responsibilities in the excellent manner that we expect at the New York Wing Encampment.
SENIOR STAFF: Since no inflight students may arrive prior to the start of the encampment (21 July), we recognize that some seniors may be
transporting cadets to the encampment and cannot arrive until Sunday. Not a problem, just let us know ahead of time.