Information from the Photographer
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Dear Encampment Participants and Parents,
My name is Steve Chesler, owner of Chesler Photography in Canandaigua, NY, and 1st Lt in the NY212 Squadron of Civil Air Patrol.
We will be at this years Encampment taking individual photos of each Cadet as well as group photos and activity photos.
We will have a table set up at registration to answer any questions and supply order forms for the individual photos we will be
taking on Sunday. You have the option of prepaying for your package with our 100% money back guarantee if you're not satisfied,
or you can order photos online after the Encampment. The advantage of prepaying is that sales tax and shipping are already included
in the price, whereas ordering online afterwards will add tax and shipping to your order. Attached is a sample order form for you
to view. Should you have any questions prior to your arrival, please give us a call at 585-393-9242. Price List
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